Monday, March 18, 2013

March Photos

This week I've been working on taking photos from different angles again and value and contrast. As well as I've been doing some new edeting technics .Over spring break i'm going take photos of different building with different architecture and research new ways i can edit my photos in Adobe Photoshop C56 (64 Bit).

Thursday, March 14, 2013

This week, I keep  working on value and contrast as well as texture . I really wasn't sure what point of view i should of taken my photos in. This week I'll be researching on different ways I can edit city and lanscapes.

Friday, March 8, 2013

3 Week Photos




This week I work with value and contrast. In one of my images I try a toturial that I saw online. I added next to the photo. Right now i'm only working in Hood River . Maybe my next photos will be more about Portland. What i would like to try next is contrast them with each other.